Wood Destroying

Insect Inspection

BHI experts will thoroughly examine your property for signs of termites and other wood-destroying insects, providing you with peace of mind and protecting your investment.

Wood Destroying

Insect Inspection

Comprehensive visual inspection for wood-destroying insects, including termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and wood-boring beetles.

Wood-destroying insects pose a serious threat to the structural integrity of buildings.

  • Termites: Feed on wood and cellulose material, causing extensive damage.
  • Carpenter Ants: Excavate wood to build nests, weakening structures over time.
  • Carpenter Bees: Bore into wood to create nests, causing cosmetic and structural damage.
  • Wood-Boring Beetles: Lay eggs in wood, with larvae tunneling through and causing damage.

Wood Destroying

Insect Inspection

Protect your home from unseen threats with our Wood Destroying Insect Inspection service. BHI experts will thoroughly examine your property for signs of termites and other wood-destroying insects, providing you with peace of mind and protecting your investment.